Friday, July 15, 2011

Six Month check-up, check-in and check my LA friends out!

Six months in LA and I am still here….A lot has happened and a lot hasn’t….but it’s all been adventurous and I would like to give you the low down…. so howdy y’all, welcome aboard and strap yourselves in  - let’s do this…

I wish I could say some fantastic stuff has happened to me in the acting realm, as I write from my veranda over looking the waves in my Malibu home.  What’s that, why yes I have an agent and a couple of book deals, countless guest spots and oh yeah, a feature film with Ryan Gossling…..SNAP.  How awesome would that be…but not yet.  I would love to report in and say those amazing things…but I can’t.  

Honestly, for what I “came out here for” and to “pursue my dream” or whatever, the timing hasn’t felt right.  Until the timing is inline with my journey, I am not going to force it.  No it’s not an excuse, it’s just honestly how I feel.  I am not in any hurry…sometimes to a fault for those of you who have waited on me for anything, but I am not in a hurry to “make it big” or go home.  Rome wasn’t built in a day.  If it was, I would call the head of construction and beg him to be my agent.  However, it’s not bad.  In my heart, I know and believe it will all happen in due time.  I have patience, I have faith and it will.

Here’s the deal, and take it for whatever it’s worth.  An actor, to me, or how I conduct myself when I am “acting” is by not pretending to be someone or something I am not.  It is morphing into the character and becoming what that person was written to be, authentically.  In order to achieve this, the actor must, with all intent and purpose, do so with peace, confidence and a lackadaisical attitude.  You cannot be desperate for a part because, there will be holes, doubts and second-guessing, and everyone in the room, can see it.   Not good.

And I’m just not there yet.  Since being here, I haven’t felt solid enough to achieve this process… I have some issues…(really?  You’re not funny.)   I am not 100% moved yet…I still have my stuff and my dog in Houston and since I was informed that the Loz Thai house didn’t have the space for dogs, I needed to locate an alternative living situation.  (Which I have, the Wilcox mansion. Fancy huh?  More on that in a future post.)  I am trying to find alternative sources of income that will allow me to audition out of love and passion and not to pay a water bill or rent check.  And once all these ducks are in a row, the timing will be perfect and I will be on my game. (Read - all unicorns and wine…or as I like to call it, “the good life”)

But there has been some good, no, some fantastic stuff that’s happened to me.  Fantastic in the Universal sense.  Fantastic in the fact I have had some amazing opportunities come into my life and that I have grabbed on to and seized!

In April, this little ole’ blog right here went global by being syndicated on the Evolved World website! (Not too shabby)

Two months ago I did a little presentation for a big film, The Reality of Truth. From there, call it my charm, good work or low rates, the team really liked what I did for them and they allowed me to pitch some ideas for the film’s website.  Well, they awarded me the account and from there I pitched more viral, media, strategic and tactical ideas…and won the entire campaign.  So no, it’s not acting or being published, but damn, this is kind of cool…I will be spearheading the entire marketing campaign for this amazing feat of a pioneering journey into what mankind considers a way to become one with the universe.  A quest in seeking the reality of truth.  Go ahead and say it, “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!” Haaaaa…

Anyway, we’re getting it all rolling now.  The facebook fan page is up and running, so go ahead and “Like” it for me…then in the coming days the website will go live, our twitter and other social media outlets will come online and we’ll be off and running.  Shooting has already begun in places all over the globe, so it’s quite an exciting project!  In addition, I will be blogging simultaneously so you can have a first-hand account of how this film is getting made.  (Kind of cool…) 

AND........ I am writing sketches that people want to produce!  I pitched three the other day to the head of an online variety show and he wants them all produced!!  He was like, do it, script them out and send them to me…  HA!  I was like, wait, what?  I’ve never written a sketch script in my life…and yet I did and he loved it.  (Little ole me.)

But, the BEST PART about the last six months is that I have met the most amazing people and have had some amazing experiences.  Some crazy and some scary, some bizarre and some totally cool, but all in all - amazing!  If, and come on it’s a huge “if” but I can honestly say, if this is it…if this is all I get…I am cool with it and I am so thankful….Because it’s been awesome.

I have never in my life been surrounded by such amazing and talented energy.  I have laughed myself into muscle pulls, I have danced until I thought my legs were broken I have read until I thought my eyes would pop out out of my head and roll all over the life has been enriched every day. 

Friends, I never, ever, in a million years thought possible.  And they are here.  Here hustling, fighting, singing, dancing, writing, painting…doing it.  "Pursing their dreams” and making it happen by living, doing and sharing their gifts every day.  Gifts of their talents and character to not back down, to never give up and be a model for those of us that want to achieve the same greatness.

I have posted some of their websites on the side of my blog page.  Please take some time to meet and experience the gifts from some of my LA friends….Like them, follow them, enjoy their talents.  Trust me, every one of the people are solid go-getters who in my eyes have already “made it.”

And let me end with this…

Someone asked me the other day if LA was the place where I wanted to die.  (I guess that was his way of asking if this was going to be permanent…) but when I heard those words, all I could do was say ‘no.’ Because it isn’t. 

LA is not the place where I want to die.  It is the place where I want to live.  And it’s pretty spectacular. If these last six months are a precursor of what’s to come, this has been the best decision I have ever made.  What an amazing wonderful exploratory journey this has been so far and I really don’t see any end in site.  

Until next post,