Monday, February 14, 2011


While this past week has been quite adventurous, I feel I need to write about today, Valentines’ Day, Saint Valentine’s Day that is and I promise updates on my last week complete with photos on Wednesday.  But today my focus is about this holiday and my personal take of the day.

Valentine’s Day is the holiday of love.  The day for cards, little chocolates, champagne, roses, everything red…but I wonder…if it’s so centered on material items easily purchased at Walgreen’s or the corner ‘Gas ‘n Sip’, then why do people get so depressed and feel less about themselves because they are spending this day “alone?”   Have we lost the true meaning about the day and made it into another reason to prove how loved we are… or to feel how loved we aren’t?

In theory, I dig the idea of a day to reflect on those you love…But in reality, the holiday (and I use that term loosely) is pretty sad.  No, I am not jaded…but is it truly a “holiday” or is it just a reason, once a year, to spend a ton of money on items that are disposable symbols of love and affection?  And in many cases, makes singles or “lonely hearts” feel less about themselves because they are "alone?"

Why is that?  Why do we allow ourselves to let a holiday, a day of observation, celebration, to make us feel unloved, less special and insignificant because we don’t have a significant other to exchange teddy bears, sweet tart hearts or enjoy a “feast of the sea “ for two at Red Lobster with?  And why do some of us think we are better and more important and loved, because we do?  (as I wipe drawn butter off my chin.)

From what I can tell, more people are focused on the fact they are spending this day without someone “special” then focusing on all the true love and “special” people they DO have in their lives.  For instance, in the past, regarding the upcoming day of amore, I have heard my girlfriends say, “Ugh, I hate Valentine’s Day.  It just reminds me that I'm single.”  “I have no one to spend Valentine’s Day with and it sucks”  “No one will ever love me”  “What if I am always alone?”

Wait, I am here.  I love you.  I won’t buy you little candy hearts that say “be mine” but I will tell you I love you.  I won’t let you feel alone.  Isn’t that worth something?

I’m not Irish but I thoroughly enjoy a slammin’ St. Patty’s Day Parade and I’m all about everything green on March 17th. 

Every May you’ll find me celebrating the Mexican’s army victory over the French on Cinco de Mayo and I am not Mexican or French, but margaritas –
¡Los quiero mucho!

And let me set the record straight, I am no fool, but I have been know to pull off some cherry April Fool’s Day pranks.

I don’t think, (although it’s marketing genius, so kudos corporate America, kudos), I don’t think that this day is really intended to celebrate having a significant other..

BUT…we do.  Even if you say you don’t, the thought has crossed your mind.  Hasn’t it?  Maybe once?  Just maybe? 

This day should and must start with the most important valentine in this world, you.  You are loved and special.  Don’t believe me?  Ask your Niece or Mother, ask your Brother or grocery sacker you give a couple bucks to now and again, ask your dog or Grandpa.

Love is a term that can mean so much, and so little at the same time. 

“I love my family...  I love my dog….  I love to go on vacations….  I love Pinot Noir….  I love college hoops….  I love chips and salsa.  I love to run…. I love Goggling things….  I love goldfish crackers…. I love my Reefs…”

I love a lot, from my family to flip-flops. 

But wait, that ain’t right.  Do I really feel the same way about my Mom as I do about Pepperidge Farm’s little cracker bits of delight?  (I do love those crackers.) 

Kind of makes you think.  Do we really know what love is or do we just throw the word around using it as a noun, verb and idiom, diluting it's true meaning to basically say I REALLY REALLY LIKE THESE GOLDFISH!  

Have we used the word love so much to prove our feelings it's become casual?

Loving and being loved is essential to our existence.  But, you must love yourself first.  That's a love that will never fail or leave you.  Once you are filled with love, your love, by you, in you, every day becomes Valentine's Day, and you have beat the system.  You have reversed the order of what you think this day is about and have embraced it to the point you live your life full of love every day.

So maybe this holiday should be the design structure for everyday..and love what all and who all we do have, instead of what we don’t.

Now go call your Mom or Dad, Sister, Nephew, neighbor, old teacher, middle school friend, fishing-buddy anyone you think who could use a special Valentine's Day greeting....and wish them a wonderful day.

And then do it again, tomorrow and the next day, and the next day and don't ever stop...

Do it for the love in your heart.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

Until next post,


  1. Beautifully stated and soooo true! BTW~ I DO cherish you and your friendship!! xoxoxo <3

  2. ladybug you knocked this one out of the beautiful and inspirational! you are rocking our world with this blog
